Analogies are never fail proof. They always break down at some point because by definition, they compare two things that are alike in some ways but also not alike in some ways. But they are still helpful, and in this case particularly powerful in my opinion.

A lot of the transgender arguments for accepting that men can really become women or that some men are indeed actually women, are based on felt identity. That is – “I feel this way, therefore I am this, and you should accept it.” Other people are making very similar types of identity claims based on their feelings. And they want acceptance as well. I want to compare them by analogy. It’s interesting to notice how society accepts feelings at face value in the case of transgender people, but does not accept feelings at face value for other similar issues. This is striking because in all of these cases common sense and biology tells us the clear truth, that a white man is not black, that a male is not a female, that a human is not a dog, that a healthy person should not make themselves blind, and that a thin anorexic girl is not fat.

I have already talked about the analogy to people claiming a different racial identity than what they clearly are – Race and Transgender Issues.

I have already talked about the analogy to transabled people (people with body integrity identity disorder) – Transabled and Transgender. See this article as well – the Human Ken-Doll.

I plan to do a future post about the analogy of those with eating disorders, so I won’t talk about that one now.

But there are other cases:

Such as this man who thinks he is both a female and a dragon
Such as these men who think part of their real identity is acting like dogs
Such as this lady who thinks she is a cat
Such as this man who thinks he is a six year old girl trapped in a man’s body
Such as these people who identify partly or fully as non-human
Such as this adult woman who thought she could become a high schooler again
Such as this white woman who insists she is black
Such as these students who can now choose their own race

This video and article – “Watch: College Kids Can’t Explain Why a Short White Man Isn’t a Tall Asian Woman” – does an excellent job at revealing the underlying ideology of liberals today who want to accept everyone’s definition of themselves based on only their feelings.


The interviewer does a skillful job at slowly but surely showing them their inconsistencies and how illogical they really are. They are so worried about never telling people that they are wrong, and so worried about accepting everyone, and not offending anyone ever, that they are willing to go against their own common sense, and their five senses. They cannot and will not, because of their underlying worldview of political correctness, say that a man is actually a man and not a woman. They cannot tell a man that he is not five years old. They cannot tell a man he is not Asian. They cannot tell a man that he is a human and not a fish. They are trying to be politically correct in order not to offend. But doesn’t this offend everyone else? If a white man claims to be black, isn’t that offensive to black people? Hopefully through the interview, and through people watching this video, some will start to see their inconsistencies and begin moving towards the truth.

Seriously, in my opinion, if you look at 95% of the arguments in favor of transgender ideology, about why we should accept that a man who has gotten a sex change is actually a woman, if you apply any of those same arguments to race, or species, or anorexia, or body integrity identity disorder, or age, you can immediately see how foolish the arguments are. They are not based on science. They are based on feelings, which are clearly flawed, but in our culture we don’t want to invalidate anyone’s feelings. But why can we say that the cat lady and the dragon man are confused, that women with anorexia are confused, and that transabled people are confused, but we can’t say transgendered people are confused? I’m not totally sure. But I think one reason the transgender argument gets an easy pass, an exception, is because of how amazing our medical science really is today. Men really can look like real women, and even look beautiful. But this does not make them real women, just as me dying my skin would not make me black, or just as even if I got surgeries to make myself look younger, this would not allow me to change my age of my birth certificate.

If we applied any of the transgender arguments to any of these issues, we would immediately see that surgeries in these other situations would not only be deceptive, but they would be harmful to healthy bodies. The doctors that cater to these kinds of confusion and mental disorders should lose their licenses. It is doing harm to people who need psychological help. I don’t care how many studies cite how happy transgendered people are after living as the opposite sex and after getting medical treatment (they are plenty of studies that say the opposite too), it is still clear that this is identity confusion. It is applying a physical treatment to a psychological problem.

I have asked questions like this on my blog before, but never got good answers. Will any transgender people tell me why the transgender issue is so different from all of these other issues? Or is it the same, just based on confused feelings as with these other conditions? I am not saying that transgender people are as messed up and confused as these other people are, but then again, I’m not necessarily saying that these other people are really freaks either. In my opinion, most of us struggle with identity confusion of some kind, and we certainly do not want to have the struggles we have. Knowing my own struggles, I don’t look at those people in the articles as freaks so much as people to have compassion on. I want to try to help them figure out who they really are as people made in the image of God.

Here are 3 more articles getting across the same ideas:

This one is a bit insensitive perhaps, but still makes a good point. Just take it as over the top satire – I am an Antelope: Check your privilege before you question it.

When you unchain the earth from the sun – This is the article about the man thinking he is a six year old girl. The article makes powerful points such as that transgendered people have opened the door to changing the laws for such people just as laws have been changed for them. Here is a good quote:

So when it comes to transgender people mewling and puking about how Wolscht is trivializing their cause, let me put this as simply and gently as I can: When you decide that categories of identity are merely psychological and that reality is constituted by language, you consequently have neither the right nor the ability to call a halt to the Promethean process which you have unleashed just because some of the results prove to be distasteful to you and unhelpful to your political cause.  Indeed, whining like a bunch of, ahem, six year old girls is not going to help you at this point.

Last article – A Fundamental Right to Personal Recreationism?

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