Looking over search terms of people who have found my website, one that has come up a few times is very interesting – “crossdressing to be the woman my wife isn’t.” Now whoever wrote that, I apologize to you. I don’t know what exactly you mean, don’t know what you believe, don’t know what you do, and I’m not critiquing you individually as I write this post. But I’m going to write about what I think you might have meant by that search term.
The search term made me think about my own life and my own experience with crossdressing in the past. I know from experience that there is a temptation to use crossdressing as a substitute for your wife or a real woman. Crossdressers may think about their wives or girlfriends, and dress in the way that they wished they would dress. They create a make- believe woman that appears how they always wished their wives would appear. Or how they wish their future wife will appear.
The result of this is that the make-believe woman, (the activity of crossdressing), is the one the crossdresser runs to when disappointed in the marriage. If the wife of a crossdresser always says she is too tired for sex, then the crossdresser will use the make-believe woman as the substitute. When the romantic spark has gone out of marriage, the crossdresser will fulfill himself with the thrill of crossdressing. Instead of working hard to renew the love and romance, the crossdresser will escape into a false reality. They won’t find true love and intimacy, but they will get cheap sexual pleasure, at the cost of deception and guilt.
This make-believe woman that crossdressers create is very appealing. She is a willing slave. She will wear whatever you want her to wear. She will make whatever faces, smiles, and looks you want her to make. She will dance and move sexily if you want her to. She lives to please your whims. She will pose for you and wear the most ridiculous feminine attire you want her to. She won’t complain if it takes her hours to put on makeup, and won’t complain about pain from wearing high heels. There is something very disturbing about all of this. Crossdressers learn to immediately get whatever they want. It is objectification of women to an extreme level.
This phenomenon has been noted by researchers as well. Listen to what Richard F. Docter says in his book, Transvestites and Transsexuals:
The point of this discussion, therefore, is that the sexually conventional or reserved wife is ill-suited to be transformed into a wife who can participate in the TV’s games of erotic cross dressing. The idea of having sex with a man dressed (to any extent) as a women probably will be very distant from her own ideal sexual script. But after the TV husband has emerged from his closet, shared his secret, expressed his feelings, and has pled for understanding, his next aim is to invite his wife to participate in some kind of cross dressing-related sexual activity. If we are correct about her attitudes, her conventionality, her needs, and her sexual script-the husband’s plan is doomed to failure. The end result of this mismatch may be his withdrawal of sexual energies from within the marriage; his other pseudowoman self will come to be preferred as a sexually exciting “partner,” always available, with everchanging variety and erotic enticements in harmony with his sexual script.
Crossdressers also might even pretend to be their actual wives, by dressing up in their clothes and trying to look like them. They might even crossdress and then imagine having sex with their wife while masturbating. I guess this is better than many alternatives, because they are trying to think about their wives. But it is still a solo activity, still a confusion and a deception, and it still is sinful crossdressing. These crossdressers should be putting their energy into loving their real wives again and working on their marriages.
Creating a make-believe woman is adultery, even though there is no actual other woman involved. Why do people cheat on their spouses? They feel that the other partner doesn’t love them enough or doesn’t have sex enough or isn’t understanding enough or isn’t attractive enough. The person who feels like they are missing out on those things, then goes and finds that love, or sex, or understanding, or attraction from another person. And an affair is born. Well, in the case of crossdressers, it’s much easier. We don’t need to go out and find another woman to be with and commit adultery with, we can create the woman of our dreams on our own. But our heart is the same as the adulterer. Granted, crossdressing as an outward action is not as serious of a sin as adultery with a real person. It’s less destructive to families and relationships compared to an affair. But in the inward reality of the heart, there is the exact same sin and evil in the heart of the crossdresser as in the adulterer. And we know that God cares very much about our heart, not just the outward things we do. In the heart of a married crossdresser, crossdressing is a betrayal of the wife, with the same sinful motivations as adultery.
If you are still giving in to crossdressing, repent, and trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for forgiveness and freedom. In Jesus, there is no more condemnation. In Jesus, there is freedom from bondage to sinful addictions.
What a fantastic post. Because cd has been a private experience, I always considered it an internal struggle and a minor sin. But you remind me that with God, he knows our hearts, and it is out of the heart that our sins flow. Though physically I am not seemingly not offending anyone, by not directing that energy to the one I promised at the altar to cherish, I truly am hurting her and I am, before my beautiful Savior, am doing wrong with the gift of the moment he’s entrusted to me. Ugh. Thank you for this post.
Thank you NHA! Nothing is truly a private experience, because God sees all that we do, including what is rebellion against him, and also all that we do affects who we are, it affects ourselves, and that in turn affects how we are with other people.
This is something I have noticed is often times when I am tempted to cross-dress it’s to create a women I have fanaticized about from the time I was a teenager. This is something I’ve have to deal with in my marriage is to not lust after that which is not my wife. I think the correlation to adulty is very true because for me there are time I have fanaticized about other women and there are times I fantasize about looking like the dream girl I’ve had in my head. The thing that I’ve learned is the grass is not greener on the other side of the fence. Being with a different women or feeling like my dream girl will not make me happier. What makes me happier is striving to have a happy relationship with my wife. When I do that I am truly happier.
Very true. Focusing on pursuing a healthy and fulfilling relationship with our wives is the best thing.
Loving yourself as a woman and desiring yourself sexually as such is called autogynephilia.
Exactly right. I’ve written a lot about autogynephilia on this site.
Barnabas I’ve found the very first entry on your site with which I disagree. So much you have written has been, in my opinion, one hundred per cent accurate but I can’t agree that crossdressing is somehow a lesser sin than having a physical affair. I always prided myself that while I was a transvestite, at least I wasn’t as bad as my colleagues at work who had physical affairs with real women. My wife has said that she would have found it a lot easier for her to understand if I’d slept with another woman rather than being told that I was sexually aroused by wearing women’s clothes. That she saw as an invalidation and an attack on her own feminity. In any case my own predilection took up a far greater time than my colleagues affairs. The damage I did to my wife by telling her of my desires is irreparable and she can only deal with her knowledge of me by suppressing her mind and thinking of me as the man she loves rather than a sexual pervert.
It’s hard to know, perhaps they are both equally bad. I think other peoples’ suffering always seems better than our own. But we can’t choose our own suffering. Your wife might think an affair would be easier, but another woman may say the opposite. The most important point is just to remember that yes indeed you were sexually unfaithful to your wife through your CD.
Valid comment Barnabas. I’m grateful for your insight. You’re right when you say that CD activity is sexual unfaithfulness