Thinking about Suicide? There is Hope

Thinking about Suicide? There is Hope

If you are here reading this post, maybe you are feeling utterly depressed because of your autogynephilia or gender dysphoria. Maybe you are full of guilt, or maybe you feel anxiety and great pain from unfulfilled longing. Or maybe you are feeling hopeless and full of...
Giving Pastoral Care to a Crossdresser or Person with Gender Dysphoria

Giving Pastoral Care to a Crossdresser or Person with Gender Dysphoria

I know many pastors, Christian counselors, and wives of crossdressers are coming to my website, probably in the hopes of finding help in ministering to crossdressers, transsexuals, or people struggling with gender dysphoria. I can tell this by looking at the search...
Crossdressing and The Lord of the Rings

Crossdressing and The Lord of the Rings

In this post I want to analyze the similarities between my struggle with crossdressing and the power of the one ring in The Lord of the Rings books. I am not writing this as a logical argument against crossdressing. I’m just writing out of my own experience of...

Summary – Reasons Crossdressing is Sinful and Harmful

I was recently asked in a comment to explain my reasons why I believe crossdressing is sinful, or why it is harmful. It’s a good question. While my whole website is essentially about this with many articles, it is a bit overwhelming for someone to jump in and...

Crossdressing can become idolatry

In this post, I am going to talk about how I think crossdressing can easily become idolatry, in the same way that money or other good or neutral things in life can easily become an idol. This is different from me saying that crossdressing is always necessarily...

Guest Post – Testimony by Anonymous

About the Author Anonymous   TO WHOM THE LORD LOVES I am a 57 year old, former minister and I want to tell you my story and how the Lord opened my eyes to the destructiveness of cross-dressing. I tried to keep it simple and not belabor it, but unfortunately it is...
Deuteronomy 22:5

Deuteronomy 22:5

Introduction If you have not read my post on How to Interpret the Bible, it is important that you read that post first as this builds on everything I have written there. As a pastor writing about my past with crossdressing, I feel like this is probably the most...