by Barnabas | Jan 1, 2025 | Addiction, Bible, Crossdressing, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Pornography, Practical Tips, Temptations |
“I’m curious how the trans person looks in that news article. I’ll just look at it quick then close the window.” “I’m just curious what might come up if I search on google for ‘men in dresses.’ I’ll just look at...
by Barnabas | Sep 7, 2024 | Bible, Crossdressing, Filters and Security, Guest Posts, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Pornography, Practical Tips, Temptations |
Written by Ewan: Think back to a time you were tempted. If crossdressing memories are too raw, think of something else. When you were deciding whether to act sinfully or not, did you have enough time to pause and think through what you really wanted? This post gives a...
by Barnabas | Mar 19, 2024 | Addiction, Additional Resources, Autogynephilia, Bible, Crossdressing, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Identity, My Personal Journey, Paraphilias, Pornography, Practical Tips, Sexual Pleasure, Sissy Hypnosis, Temptations |
The longer I have this website and try my best to care for and help other men, the more I realize the importance of making a distinction between a harmful sexual addiction and an unwanted sexual orientation. The two are very different things, and yet I would like to...
by Barnabas | Nov 22, 2023 | Addiction, Crossdressing, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Pornography, Psychologists, Sexual Pleasure |
Written by Jack: A lot of people look at cross dressing as harmless. It is fun. It doesn’t hurt them. As Christians we can see that it is disordered and spiritually it can separate us from God. But how about physical damage? It really can’t be harmful to...
by Barnabas | Feb 22, 2023 | Accountability, Crossdressing, Pornography, Practical Tips, Transgender |
I’d like to outline one practical tool that could be helpful for some people in their recovery process. I got the idea a decade ago from a previous accountability partner. He used to struggle with pornography addiction. When he would have a failure with looking...
by Barnabas | Nov 30, 2022 | Addiction, Autogynephilia, Crossdressing, Filters and Security, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Homosexuality, Marriage, Masturbation, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Pornography, Purges of Clothing, Sexual Pleasure |
Earlier this year I tried to do some informal research through a survey with ex-crossdressers in this community, both Christian and non-Christian. My sample size is very small, so I realize the results are not able to hold up to scientific scrutiny. Nevertheless, the...
by Barnabas | Mar 14, 2022 | Addiction, Crossdressing, Gender Stereotypes, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Marriage, Pornography, Sexual Pleasure, Testimonies |
A friend recommended to me the book – “Living with a Transvestite: A Phenomenological Study of Wives and Committed Partners of Transvestite” by Heather Christine Freegard. It is free to download, so any of you can read it! All in all it was a book...
by Barnabas | Jan 21, 2022 | Crossdressing, Embracing Manhood, Gender Stereotypes, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Pornography, Sexual Pleasure, Transgender Fiction |
It occurred to me recently that a part of our recovery and healing process as former crossdressers should be to examine our hearts to specifically repent of our sexism, and ask God to transform our hearts and minds. Why do I say this? My experience with crossdressing...
by Barnabas | Dec 8, 2021 | Addiction, Crossdressing, Guest Posts, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Identity, Marriage, Pornography, Sexual Pleasure, Testimonies |
Written by Ewan One of my first memories is of messing around in the attic when I was about 5 years old. I put on a pair of my mum’s boots. I liked the feeling. My brother laughed. Since then I have always had these two parts to me; the bit that loves the...
by Barnabas | Oct 13, 2021 | Autogynephilia, Crossdressing, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Marriage, Pornography, Practical Tips, Prayer, Sexual Intercourse, Sexual Pleasure |
As people visit this website and ask for my advice, one of the most common struggles reported is difficulty during sex in marriage even after crossdressing has been left behind. This can be for many reasons. One of the most common is that wives feel betrayed and hurt...
by Barnabas | May 5, 2021 | Accountability, Crossdressing, Guest Posts, Identity, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Pornography, Psychologists, Transgender |
By Chris PB: Like most of those who have struggled with the affliction of crossdressing, my own personal experience began when I was about 5 or 6 years old. It was spurred on by some form or another of playing “dress-up” with my sister, and being affirmed...
by Barnabas | Sep 14, 2018 | Accountability, Bible, Crossdressing, Forgiveness, Homosexuality, Identity, Marriage, Pastoral Ministry, Pornography, Temptations, Transgender |
In this post I will make some general observations about how the church should respond and deal with hard issues like homosexuality, crossdressing, and transsexualism. But more importantly, this post is about how the church should respond to the people struggling with...
by Barnabas | Sep 14, 2018 | Addiction, Bible, Crossdressing, Dealing with Failures, Forgiveness, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Marriage, Pornography, Prayer, Sexual Intercourse, Sexual Pleasure, Temptations, Transgender Fiction |
In 2 Samuel chapters 11-12, we read the story of David committing adultery with Bathsheba. And then, to cover up his sin, he found a way to have Uriah, Bathsheba’s husband, killed. Finally, God sent the prophet Nathan to challenge and rebuke David. In the end,...
by Barnabas | Sep 12, 2018 | Accountability, Addiction, Additional Resources, Bible, Crossdressing, Filters and Security, Forgiveness, Marriage, My Personal Journey, Pastoral Ministry, Pornography, Practical Tips, Prayer, Sexual Intercourse, Sissy Hypnosis, Temptations |
Many of us here are addicts – whether to crossdressing, trans porn, sissy hypnosis, or reading transgender fiction. Because of the nature of addiction, you cannot fight your addiction alone. You will need help. I’ve said this so many times on this website,...
by Barnabas | Jul 18, 2018 | Addiction, Additional Resources, Crossdressing, Pornography, Temptations |
This short video/article by John Piper is a very helpful reality check in our battle with sexual sins – You Can Say No to Porn. We often feel out of control with our sexual desires. We feel that it is impossible to resist. We feel overwhelmed by the temptations....
by Barnabas | Jul 18, 2018 | Additional Resources, Crossdressing, My Personal Journey, Origins of the Desires, Pornography, Practical Tips, Prayer, Sexual Pleasure, Temptations |
Many people online have made the claim that I advocate suppressing your crossdressing desires. I do not actually make that claim. It is not healthy. We must acknowledge that those desires are there, and consciously choose not to act on them. If we just try to ignore...
by Barnabas | Jul 16, 2018 | Addiction, Crossdressing, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Masturbation, Pornography, Sexual Pleasure |
I have looked at a lot (thousands and thousands) of crossdressing photos on the internet over my life (and I deeply regret it). One thing I have noticed from pictures of active crossdressers as well as pictures of one-time crossdressers, is the number of sexual poses....
by Barnabas | Jul 11, 2018 | Addiction, Additional Resources, Bible, Crossdressing, Cultural Ideologies and Trends, Envy, Gender Roles, Gender Stereotypes, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Identity, Idolatry, Marriage, Origins of the Desires, Pornography, Sexual Intercourse, Sexual Pleasure, Transgender |
I was recently asked in a comment to explain my reasons why I believe crossdressing is sinful, or why it is harmful. It’s a good question. While my whole website is essentially about this with many articles, it is a bit overwhelming for someone to jump in and...
by Barnabas | Jun 14, 2018 | Crossdressing, Cultural Ideologies and Trends, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Homosexuality, Marriage, Pornography, Sexual Pleasure, Temptations |
I am frustrated with myself and other crossdressers for expecting or even ever once having a hope for our wives to act as lesbians. If you are a Christian and believe homosexual behavior is sinful, than trying to get your wife to act this way with you (while you are...
by Barnabas | Jun 13, 2018 | Addiction, Additional Resources, Crossdressing, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Pornography, Sexual Pleasure |
This is a very helpful and enlightening video. It is called The Great Porn Experiment. The video is about the effect that pornography is having on men and on the wider culture. As many of you probably struggle with pornography in addition to crossdressing, I think...
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