by Barnabas | May 15, 2024 | Addiction, Additional Resources, Autogynephilia, Bible, Crossdressing, Dealing with Failures, Forgiveness, Identity, Idolatry, Practical Tips, Prayer, Psychologists, Suffering, Temptations, Testimonies, Transgender |
If you are here reading this post, maybe you are feeling utterly depressed because of your autogynephilia or gender dysphoria. Maybe you are full of guilt, or maybe you feel anxiety and great pain from unfulfilled longing. Or maybe you are feeling hopeless and full of...
by Barnabas | Mar 19, 2024 | Addiction, Additional Resources, Autogynephilia, Bible, Crossdressing, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Identity, My Personal Journey, Paraphilias, Pornography, Practical Tips, Sexual Pleasure, Sissy Hypnosis, Temptations |
The longer I have this website and try my best to care for and help other men, the more I realize the importance of making a distinction between a harmful sexual addiction and an unwanted sexual orientation. The two are very different things, and yet I would like to...
by Barnabas | Jan 9, 2024 | Additional Resources, Autogynephilia, Crossdressing, Cultural Ideologies and Trends, Paraphilias, Psychologists, Transgender, Transgender Analogies (Race, Eating Disorders, BIID, Species) |
I would like to recommend the book Autoheterosexual: Attracted to Being the Other Sex written by Phil Illy, himself an autoheterosexual, more specifically someone who experiences autogynephilia, just like I do. (I recommend this book with some strong reservations,...
by Barnabas | Aug 15, 2023 | Additional Resources, Gender Stereotypes, Guest Posts, Transgender |
Written by Jack Jason Evert is a Christian chastity speaker who has been speaking at high schools and churches across the country and overseas for 20 years. He has spoken to youth at over 3,000 institutions worldwide. In his ministry, he has been seeing the...
by Barnabas | Jun 14, 2023 | Addiction, Additional Resources, Autogynephilia, Crossdressing, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Paraphilias, Psychologists, Sexual Intercourse, Sexual Pleasure, Transgender |
Most of my posts on this website are written from my Christian perspective on crossdressing, but sometimes it is helpful to delve into what secular researchers and psychiatrists have discovered about crossdressing. I’d like to share here an article written by...
by Barnabas | Apr 28, 2023 | Accountability, Addiction, Additional Resources, Crossdressing, Guest Posts, Masturbation, Origins of the Desires, Testimonies |
Written by Simon: While I finished reading “Breaking Free” several months back, several fundamental ideas that speak to my CD life for all these years still resonate and are useful in my ongoing recovery. In this post I want to reflect on some lies...
by Barnabas | Nov 11, 2022 | Addiction, Additional Resources, Crossdressing, Guest Posts, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Identity, Origins of the Desires |
Written by Simon: I recently started Christian counseling about my sexual brokenness and have begun reading through Breaking Free by Russell Willingham. As is also true for many of those I’ve talked to, this issue has been with us since our youth and...
by Barnabas | Dec 30, 2020 | Additional Resources, Crossdressing, Filters and Security, Guest Posts, Practical Tips, Temptations |
About the Author By Ewan Internet Filters: You Can’t Put a Price on Purity For me, crossdressing comes in waves. Over time, I start looking things up on the web. It usually starts with clothes (dresses and shoes). But at some point those desires become...
by Barnabas | Jun 19, 2020 | Accountability, Addiction, Additional Resources, Bible, Crossdressing, Filters and Security, Marriage, My Personal Journey, Practical Tips, Temptations |
I know the title of this article might seem a little like an oxymoron, but let me assure you from experience that it is not. If you have struggled with crossdressing addiction, like I have, getting yourself an internet filter for your computer will allow you to...
by Barnabas | May 15, 2020 | Additional Resources, Biological Sex Differences, Crossdressing, Embracing Manhood, Men's Fashion, My Personal Journey, Origins of the Desires, Practical Tips, Temptations |
This is strange blog post to write, but at this site we deal with the real issues that confront us, and this is one of them! Some of us have an added burden or difficulty besides the desire to crossdress. Some of us have man boobs, that is, breasts that are bigger...
by Barnabas | Nov 15, 2019 | Additional Resources, Crossdressing, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Homosexuality, Identity, Intersexual Conditions, Origins of the Desires, Suffering, Testimonies, Transgender |
I wholeheartedly suggest watching the film made by Pure Passion called Tranzformed: Finding Peace With Your God-Given Gender. There are 15 different people who give testimonies throughout this documentary film, and I found it incredibly moving. They are some of the...
by Barnabas | Aug 5, 2019 | Addiction, Additional Resources, Bible, Crossdressing, Origins of the Desires, Prayer, Temptations |
This may be surprising to some of you, but one of the most common questions I’ve been asked since I started this website many years ago is: “Did demons cause my crossdressing desires?” Or other related questions like: “Am I possessed by a demon...
by Barnabas | Mar 12, 2019 | Addiction, Additional Resources, Autogynephilia, Crossdressing, Envy, Gender Stereotypes, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Identity, Marriage, Origins of the Desires, Psychologists, Sexual Pleasure, Transgender |
I would like to recommend the book, Transvestites and Transsexuals: Toward a Theory of Cross-Gender Behavior, written by Richard F. Docter, published in 1988. Before I talk about the book, let me give a warning. Don’t read this book without getting into a...
by Barnabas | Feb 24, 2019 | Additional Resources, Bible, Biological Sex Differences, Crossdressing, Cultural Ideologies and Trends, Identity, Law and Policy, Marriage, Psychologists, Suffering, Transgender |
Many of us today might feel like we are stuck in the worst period of history given our particular struggles. At no time in history have crossdressing and transgenderism been more accepted and celebrated than they are today. Even many people who don’t experience gender...
by Barnabas | Sep 16, 2018 | Additional Resources, Biological Sex Differences, Biological Transgender Issues, Crossdressing, Cultural Ideologies and Trends, Gender Stereotypes, Homosexuality, Identity, Intersexual Conditions, Law and Policy, Origins of the Desires, Transgender, Transgender Analogies (Race, Eating Disorders, BIID, Species) |
I would like to recommend the book Love Thy Body by Nancy Pearcey. You could read some good book reviews here and here. Although there is only one chapter on transgender issues, the whole book is very important. Pearcey gives a very clear and strong critique of the...
by Barnabas | Sep 14, 2018 | Accountability, Addiction, Additional Resources, Autogynephilia, Bible, Biological Transgender Issues, Crossdressing, Cultural Ideologies and Trends, Dealing with Failures, Forgiveness, Gender Stereotypes, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Identity, Idolatry, Marriage, Men's Fashion, Origins of the Desires, Pastoral Ministry, Practical Tips, Prayer, Psychologists, Sexual Intercourse, Sexual Pleasure, Temptations, Testimonies, Transgender |
I know many pastors, Christian counselors, and wives of crossdressers are coming to my website, probably in the hopes of finding help in ministering to crossdressers, transsexuals, or people struggling with gender dysphoria. I can tell this by looking at the search...
by Barnabas | Sep 14, 2018 | Additional Resources, Cultural Ideologies and Trends, Identity, Transgender |
Listen to this good podcast by Pastor John Piper – He or She? How Should I Refer to Transgender Friends? What do we do when a transgender friend wants us to call them a new name, and we know that the new name does not fit their actual sex? Or imagine you are a...
by Barnabas | Sep 12, 2018 | Additional Resources, Autogynephilia, Bible, Biological Transgender Issues, Crossdressing, Cultural Ideologies and Trends, Gender Roles, Gender Stereotypes, Identity, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Origins of the Desires, Pastoral Ministry, Psychologists, Sexual Pleasure, Transgender |
I want to strongly recommend Mark Yarhouse’s book called “Understanding Gender Dysphoria.” You can read about Dr. Yarhouse – here. He is an expert on matters of sexual identity, and is well respected by both Christians and non-Christians. To be honest, I did not agree...
by Barnabas | Sep 12, 2018 | Accountability, Addiction, Additional Resources, Bible, Crossdressing, Filters and Security, Forgiveness, Marriage, My Personal Journey, Pastoral Ministry, Pornography, Practical Tips, Prayer, Sexual Intercourse, Sissy Hypnosis, Temptations |
Many of us here are addicts – whether to crossdressing, trans porn, sissy hypnosis, or reading transgender fiction. Because of the nature of addiction, you cannot fight your addiction alone. You will need help. I’ve said this so many times on this website,...
by Barnabas | Sep 11, 2018 | Additional Resources, Autogynephilia, Crossdressing, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Origins of the Desires, Psychologists, Sexual Pleasure |
I remember when I first explored the issue of crossdressing on the internet when I was young, one of the first things I found was a website talking about Freud’s view of crossdressing, the “sexual inversion hypothesis.” While Freud had a lot of crazy...
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