It occurred to me recently that a part of our recovery and healing process as former crossdressers should be to examine our hearts to specifically repent of our sexism, and ask God to transform our hearts and minds. Why do I say this? My experience with crossdressing fiction reveals just how much sexism is in the crossdresser’s heart. While it is well known now that pornography reveals the sexism in men’s hearts and how we treat women as sexual objects, crossdressing and transgender fiction is in some ways even more revealing about what we as men truly think about women.
What evidence do I have for this claim? To begin, let’s look below at a few of the topical categories from some popular fiction sites. Here is a sampling of some of the more interesting topics:
Bad boy to good girl
Chastity Belts
Dominance and Submission
Maids or French Maids
School Girl
Very High Heels
I will first note that many of the topical categories at these sites about crossdressing represent the same male sexual fantasies about women that we see in pornography and mainstream culture – nurses, cheerleaders, school girls, maids, etc. This is another reminder that while some of us do experience gender dysphoria, many of us are consumed by crossdressing purely for our heterosexual lust for women. It is only that our desire for women and sexual pleasure has been inverted to self. We have found a shortcut. It’s easier to dress up and lust after ourselves than to find and be with real women.
Otherwise, these topics might seem relatively harmless, but I think some of them bear reflection. What does it say about a person’s view of men and women, boys and girls, to think that boys tend to misbehave but that girls are obedient, and that a crossdressed boy will start to behave? What does it say that Bimbo is a whole category of stories? Do the readers of these stories really view women that way, or maybe they don’t see all women that way, but the women they are most attracted to are the ones they see as stupid?
There’s more that could be said on these topics and others. But I want to focus more on what is actually contained in the stories represented by these topics. I don’t want to cite specific stories as evidence for the claims I’m about to make. For anyone like me who has spent far too many hours reading such stories, the patterns are abundantly clear and need no argumentation. While some stories are PG-rated and rather tame or boring, there are many that are full of rape and violence. Sometimes the reader is intended to find sexual pleasure by reading stories of men who are crossdressed and then forced to perform oral sex on other men. Or they are overpowered and raped by other men while they are crossdressed. Sexual abuse and physical violence are some of the most common themes. Crossdressed men or women in the story are slapped, whipped, beaten, chained, locked up, blackmailed and more. Then there are stories of women or crossdressed men who act like idiotic bimbos. Crossdressed men who have no brain cells left. Crossdressed men who find nothing interesting in life anymore except for shopping and makeup. And there are plenty of stories of bondage, slavery, and forced submission. Many women or crossdressed men are made to live as slaves who do nothing but work for the others in the stories. I don’t have a percentage in mind, but I would wager that a majority of the stories on fiction sites include elements such as these. Back when I was in addiction to crossdressing fiction, I would search for hours to find pleasurable stories about crossdressing that didn’t contain such elements, and it was very very difficult to find what I was looking for. Some of us who used to read such sickening stories full of violence towards women, or men dressed as women, need to repent. Reflect before God about why you found these stories pleasurable and what it says about what is in your heart and mind. What are your true feelings about women? Do self-reflection and repent. And don’t stop at repentance. Ask God to transform your heart and your view of women, so that you see them as God’s creations, worthy of respect and honor.
James 4:7-10 – 7 Submit yourselves, then, to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. 8 Come near to God and he will come near to you. Wash your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. 9 Grieve, mourn and wail. Change your laughter to mourning and your joy to gloom. 10 Humble yourselves before the Lord, and he will lift you up.
But it’s easy to see the speck in the neighbor’s eye, and not look at our own issues. For those of us who never enjoyed that type of sick story, and that includes myself, do we still see some sexism in ourselves based on the other stories we liked to read? I have often wondered about the many seemingly tame stories which show the crossdressed man being transformed and becoming a real servant for his wife or for a man in the story. He may start to have his whole life be only about meeting the needs of that other person, and having no other real desire or personality of his own. In other stories, you see such a man living to cook and clean and doing all the work. You see women or crossdressed men in such stories needing to not only do all the work, but to look absolutely made-up and beautiful and sexy looking 100% of the time while doing it. What does this tell us about our view of women if we like those stories? Might this still reveal an attitude in us that women exist to meet our needs? That they exist just for us as men to have a beautiful wife to look at and someone to do our work for us? Such attitudes need our repentance and intentional actions of change as well. Let us search our hearts and confess our sins to the Lord.
There is yet another very different kind of sexism in these stories I’d like to point out. It is much more subtle. Let me give some examples of what I see and then I’ll give a name to it. In the stories you see that the crossdressed male protagonist is able to feel something different than he could as a regular man or boy. As a male, he felt stuck and trapped. While pretending to be a female, he feels free. As a male, he feels out of touch with his emotions. While pretending to be a female, he is able to experience a whole range of emotion in a positive way. As a male, he is out of control, making bad decisions, violent, or disobedient. While crossdressed, he is able to be calm and at peace and have self-control. As a male, he doesn’t care about people’s feelings or the needs of others. While crossdressed, he has become sensitive and attentive to the needs of others. As a male, he doesn’t give any attention or time to grooming, bathing, or attention to his appearance and dress. While crossdressed, he finally is properly groomed and cares about his appearance. As a male, people pay him no attention and he feels ugly. While crossdressed, people find him beautiful. As a male, he is socially awkward and has few friends. While crossdressed, he is expressive, easy to talk to, and even able to dance. And he has no shortage of friends, both girls and boys, or men and women. As a male, his relationships with parents are strained. While crossdressed, he receives affection from both parents, and he is willing to hug and kiss both father and mother.
To me, these patterns reveal a different type of sexism than the more derogatory types I mentioned earlier. This type of sexism is still harmful to women, and in a different way it is also harmful to men. While the first examples of sexism above were about viewing men as better than women, and as women existing only to meet the sexual and physical needs of men, this other kind of sexism is in some ways the reverse, believing that women are better than men. We may call it misandry, a hatred of or contempt of men. It is about gender stereotypes which might be generally true, but not universally true. Besides the stories making certain traits to be universally true, the stereotyped traits are exaggerated to a ridiculous extent. Being a boy becomes something bad and shameful, someone not even fully human. The protagonist is unable to be handsome/beautiful as a boy. The protagonist is unable to have friends as a boy. The protagonist is unable to be in touch with his feelings as a boy. When this kind of sexism and harmful stereotyping is taken in to a male reader’s heart it only fuels his self-hatred and strong longing for crossdressing or gender change. It might be a chicken and egg kind of scenario, where a boy reads such stories because he already has taken in such messages (and in turn the stories fuel his crossdressing desires), but also reading the stories also indoctrinates him even further into feeling shame as a boy and wanting to be a girl instead. Of course the real solution is not to flee our male bodies, but to learn that we can be in touch with our emotions, have deep social relationships, and look good in appearance even as men! Read this post – Integration and Contentment.
Many of us need to repent for our sexism. Maybe you have have taken in a wrong and offensive view of women, but maybe you have taken in a wrong and offensive view of men and yourself. And some of us may have had elements of both operating in us at the same time. I think that is entirely possible. We are complex creatures, and we are not 100% internally consistent in all of our feelings, beliefs, attitudes, and behaviors.
Lamentations 3:40 – Let us test and examine our ways, and return to the Lord!
Isaiah 1:18 – “Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool.
Let’s ask ourselves some probing questions:
- What qualities am I looking for in the women I’m dating?
- Am I attracted to women who act stupid or do I want a woman to be smart and able to converse with me?
- How do I treat my wife?
- Do I expect my wife to have sex with me whenever I want regardless of how she feels?
- Do I expect my wife to do more than 50% of the work at home if we are both working at jobs?
- Do I expect my wife to take care of her health, weight, and appearance to a greater extent than I am taking care of my health, weight, and appearance?
- Do I expect my wife to be attentive to my needs while I am not being attentive to her needs?
- Have I ever inflicted physical or verbal violence on my wife or another woman?
- Am I promoting sexism through my continued use of crossdressing fiction or pornography?
- Do I expect my wife to behave like the women in pornographic videos?
- Do I manipulate my wife to dress in the way that I want her to even if it makes her uncomfortable?
- Do I believe subconsciously that women are more holy than men?
- That women are better and more desirable than men?
- That women are more loved by God than men?
- Do I falsely believe that women can show affection better than men?
- Do I falsely believe that women can have deeper friendships than men can?
- Do I falsely believe that women can be more free with emotion compared to men?
- Do I falsely believe that I as a man cannot be handsome or attractive?
- Do I falsely believe that only women can be lighthearted, fun, and spontaneous?
Remember God made men and he made women, and both are good. Genesis 1:27 – So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. We must not misuse or abuse either men or women. And we must not view either one as inferior. Men and women have different roles according to God’s instructions in his Word, but both are equally made in the image of God, both are equally valuable, both are equal partners in salvation, and both are given spiritual gifts. We must not be ashamed to be either one. We must not lock either men or women into stifling gender stereotypes that are not biblical.
Consider making these questions and reflections a regular part of your recovery process. Add such items to your prayer list. Sanctification is a long process and does not happen over night. Keep praying for God to change your heart. It takes time. As you pray about it, you are reminded about it, and as you pray about it, God will respond and help you to change. You can become a man who treats women with love and respect. You can become a man who embraces his own manhood with thanksgiving rather than shame.
Thanks so much for this post. I’ve never been very interested in crossdressing fiction but I found your post to be very thought provoking. When I read, “many of us are consumed by crossdressing purely for our heterosexual lust for women. It is only that our desire for women and sexual pleasure has been inverted to self. We have found a shortcut. It’s easier to dress up and lust after ourselves than to find and be with real women.” I thought BINGO! That’s exactly it!
I never thought of the sexism that is baked into my crossdressing but I realized there is much truth here. Back when I was an active crossdresser I used to visit lots of crossdressing sites and a meme that I often saw was, “Crossdressing is a vacation from my masculinity”. At the time, I thought that meme was pretty accurate. I was so tired of having all of the responsibility of being the man and I perceived that women had it so much easier. That seemed like a pretty good life to me so I wanted to be the woman every once in a while. There were many times that I felt like I was doing more work around the house than my wife was so I would tell myself, “That’s ok. Tomorrow I’m getting some “Me Time”.” I was planning on rewarding myself with crossdressing out of the frustration of my perceived unfair division of labor around the house. I now recognize these triggers and am careful to manage my feelings of resentment. I also make sure to reward myself in healthy ways.
Thanks again for this post. I plan to go back and read some of your earlier posts.
Thank you Juan. It’s great to hear from you. Indeed, many of us have used crossdressing as an escape from masculinity, incorrectly thinking that women have it made in the shade. There are indeed real life pressures in this world in being a man, not least of which the renewed animosity towards men and masculinity in American culture. But the solution is not to run to femininity and pretend to be a female, they have their own unique challenges, the solution is to find comfort and rest in God. And to physically rest, take care of ourselves, build deep relationships, etc.
Where are you at in your faith journey? Where are you at in crossdressing? Have you given it up?
I have given it up but I probably need to join your prayer group to build hedges from having another relaps.
You are welcome, please consider it. It’s a very active and supportive group
Thankyou again for a very helpful insight, I struggle with crossdressing and have seen the stories a way of escape but it is likely just the opposite as I become more trapped. many are about the person becoming nothing but a tool for others pleasure or as a slave when I already feel worthless I start to associate more with them. I can relate so much with the second part of your article I have never displayed traits that other guys did I wasn’t a leader, confident or mach instead I was described as caring, gentle, not liking conflict and wanting others to be happy over myself. I always felt uncomfortable around other guys and felt I was tagging along whereas with girls I felt relaxed and a part of the group. I would love to feel more masculine but have no idea how it tears me apart as my thoughts and heart feel so out of align with my beliefs
Tim thank you so much for commenting! I would love to help you more if I can. You can have a life without shame, and a life as a man. A life of freedom. Let’s continue talking. In the meantime, let me give you a few posts that will really help you to think through these ideas of how you are different from other men but still can embrace being a man –
And to help you give up addiction to fiction –
Interesting article and comments. I actually still strugle with the fiction aspect and this is also that from within my own fantasies. I admit that I had not given much thought to the misogyny/misogamy within these stories. Not mentioned above is the role of “romance” fiction on shaping some womens views on what men should be like. I own up to having read a few (not many) and could not ever live up to the male roles suggested by the stories. The last comment is not trying to deny the harm of BDSM fiction. just making a comment.
That’s true, romance fiction has it’s own share of awful stereotypes. It wouldn’t be a big deal if it was just one book with certain stereotypes, but when you look at multiple ones they all end up being the same and they have a ridiculous caricature of masculinity. I tried to read a few free romance books to see if it could help me reorient my attractions somewhat and feel less of a pull to CD fiction. Let me just say I gave up pretty fast, it was not only boring, but quite frustrating because of the stereotypes (and also because of the immorality, people acting stupidly and rushing into sex).
Hi Barnabas ,
Just thinking about fiction , it’s so amazing on the transgender crossdresser sites , blogs and story writing sites the majority pictures posted are of Real Beautiful Women who are Not trans crossdressers , it’s such a lie of fictional thinking !
very true
Hi Barnabas ,
I still look at some of the crossdressing / transgender / blog sites and story writing sites , I feel So Very Bad for how deep these guys get into the transgender world and so many marriages destroyed . Many are now coming out in their 50s to 70s in age . I see no one stays the same on this Imposter Journey they go from crossdressing to transgender and many then to Christian Haters who then blog hate often against God’s rules . There is a scary amount of loving trans support out there now to keep a guy from feeling any guilt about his Trans-Journey . Healing is most often mentioned on these sites , But not the kind of healing shown here on this site , But healing in accepting possession by a Possessing Transgender Being Totally . I believe if I hadn’t already had the urging of the Holy Spirit I would be lost in the T-girl world forever because the spirit of this world holds on very tight to those he has control of .
There are few websites out there, to be sure, but there are some. And they need our support. You could consider financially supporting some of the organizations and ministries listed on my links page. That is one way to help them get the truth out there.
I note that Trans people are being more accepted, which is great for harmony in the world. However had this been the case when I was younger and exposed to what is now becoming normal fiction, I may have lived a very different life. Fortunately the internet was not in existence in those far off days. I personally have no issue with people who are genuinely happy in their trans life and live their own quiet private lives, bothering no one. However I do take issue when less secure trans people attack scientists, doctors and well know authors such as JKL Rowling who quite correctly state that a biological male can never be a biological woman. Some well known trans people are in total agreement with this fact however many attack, vilify and try to get such people “cancelled” to the point where thy loose their jobs/livelihoods. I believe that it is these people who, realising that they can never be real women (skeletal, reproductive, chromosomes etc) great the really vile mysonigist stories.
We live in a strange time. I grew up using the internet when it was still brand new, and I managed to find some crossdressing sites still, but nothing like what there is available now. I’ve been following the JK Rowling issue. Glad she is speaking out the truth. We are living in a time like the book 1984, okay not quite, but you see some similarities. People are afraid to speak anything different than the current woke mantras. Lots of fear to go against cultural orthodoxy.
Hi Keith ,
You said ” I personally have no issue with people who are genuinely happy in their trans life and live their own quiet private lives, bothering no one. ”
I Completely Agree with you , But there are just a Few who want to attack our Christian Faith and our Constitution and Bill of Rights and these Very Few are Responsible for the Spotlight of discrimination on transgender people making the lives of T-girls much more difficult who just want to live quiet lives and don’t like all the noise , such as the noise made by parents against indoctrinating school children into transgender impostorship and parents are Very Angry .
Hi Barnabas ,
We know the bible , God’s word condemns transgender and transgender dressing and Impostering as Trans is Sin and we see the majority of guys who enter this activity never stay the same , they keep going down deeper and deeper into a dark rabbits hole with all the media support and online blogger Emotional support of transgender and as it were , unlocks the doors into a place very hard to return from .
I have actually in the past used the example for myself online as ” I had opened the door to trans femininity and entered in and felt all the feminine sensuality wonder ” .
I actually watch online many start crossdressing and then with all the added Emotional Support I believe at this point , only through the grace of God’s Holy Spirit can one be pulled out of this trap .
Barabas you might not agree , But I know for sure myself , Without Any Doubt , as one Stays in this Transgender / Crossdressing Identity Day by Day and Year by Year they become fully entered into this Occult , because really this is Occult Activity and really a form of Transgender Witchcraft .
So in Essence as one keeps moving downward , they are truly a member of the Occult Religion of Witchcraft .
Well the truth is —many T-girls descend into calling themselves Translesbians because they are only romantically attracted to women , BUT the Thing Is —the vast majority of wives when they said— ” I Do ” —never signed up to be in a lesbian relationship ! in an unnatural marriage ! —so many wish they were not stuck in this situation ! so they are praying for the end of this and the end of maybe seeing shadowy images around their home .