This is a very interesting video about homosexuality and the Church’s response to homosexuals. However, the points brought up have a lot to tell us about crossdressing. It is an interview by the Gospel Coalition of Rosaria Butterfield, who was not only a lesbian and an atheist, but a gay activist. She became a Christian and now thinks homosexual practice is sinful. She has a book out called, The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert.
Some points to bring out:
1. She notes what Christians can learn from the gay community. Crossdressers online and in person also have community, and there are some good aspects to it. We need to make sure the Church, and specific local churches, are being a welcoming community to those struggling with crossdressing. We can’t respond only in judgment, but must offer love, understanding, support, grace, and friendship. Thankfully, we have quite a strong and wonderful fellowship in our online support group of men who have given up crossdressing – Christian Recovery Group.
2. She notes that reparative therapy comes out of the ideology of the prosperity gospel. It’s the idea that once we become a Christian, everything will be fine, that God will take away all of our struggles. This is a false gospel. It is not biblical. Riches, good health, and absence of suffering are not guarantees once we become Christians. In fact, God promised us trials and struggle with sin. Interestingly, Butterfield thinks that certain people do indeed experience some change in their sexual orientation, by God’s grace. But she doesn’t think it is a guarantee. I have her same view, and I also have this view about crossdressing. I think that our desires for crossdressing can go away. Why limit God’s power in our lives? But I don’t think it’s a guarantee, and whether or not they ever completely go away, I would still advocate not giving in to the desires. See this post – Healing Doesn’t Mean No More Temptations.
3. Last, she notes that a Christian should not claim to be a “gay Christian.” I know some Christians who use this title even though they believe homosexual behavior is wrong, and they are not giving in. I wouldn’t make it into a big issue with them. But I do agree with her that it is best that we don’t speak this way. We should not claim part of our sinful nature to be part of our identity. A person should say that they are a Christian who still struggles with same-sex attraction. I am a Christian who struggled with a crossdressing addiction. But I am NOT a transgender Christian. My sinful nature, my temptations to sin, do not form my true identity. My true identity is a man, beloved by God, created by God, a follower of Christ.
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