Most of my posts on this website are written from my Christian perspective on crossdressing, but sometimes it is helpful to delve into what secular researchers and psychiatrists have discovered about crossdressing. I’d like to share here an article written by Ray Blanchard – Early History of the Concept of Autogynephilia. I have written about autogynephilia before. While this theory doesn’t answer every question I have about crossdressing, it certainly explains a lot and describes my own experience of crossdressing very accurately as well as many of the other guys here. See my post for my agreements and disagreements – Book Recommendation – The Man Who Would Be Queen. Overall I can say I very much appreciate Ray Blanchard. His writings have definitely helped me to understand better and articulate my own experiences.
This short article is worth a read to understand the history of psychologists commenting on and theorizing about autogynephilia. In this post, I want to highlight a few quotes from the article and comment on them. The written testimonies of experiences of those with autogynephilia are extremely illuminating about the autogynephilia experience.
“Wearing women’s clothing and feminizing my body has
always been sexually exciting for me—even after SRS
[sex reassignment surgery]. . . . it was and still is sexually
exciting for me to have female body “functions.” Before
my SRS, I would pretend to menstruate by urinating
in sanitary pads. I particularly enjoyed wearing the old
fashion belted pad with long tabs. (Narrative #16)”
This comment is quite shocking about how autogynephilia pleasure can continue even after SRS. I remember watching a video testimony from an elderly transsexual who admitted that he actually had autogynephilia. He said waking up every day as a transsexual woman was like Christmas every morning. He was in love with himself. He was in love with his reflection in the mirror. He had constant sexual titillation and stimulation because he was living as a woman. But when his sexual desire started waning in old age, and his body started to age and was not as beautiful, he realized what a horrible mistake he had made. He realized he was not really a woman. It was all about the sexual pleasure, and he deeply regretted how much he had messed up his body as well as his life.Now he was old, alone, lonely, and with a messed up body.
“My first experiences reading Playboy found me almost
instantly aroused by the idea of being the model. When I
was about 18, some friends took me to an old fashioned
strip show, and I got aroused, all right—as soon as I got
home, I put Noxzema cream on my nipples to simulate
pasties! Even the idea of owning a girl’s bike has aroused
me. (Narrative #53)”
This comment is fascinating and so true. It is not simply the crossdressed reflection in the mirror alone that stimulates us, but somehow it is the feeling of being a girl, or being a woman, that is also itself stimulating. Thus why this person as a boy could find the idea of owning a girl’s bike sexually stimulating. Does this mean that we don’t really have true gender dysphoria? Perhaps some of us really don’t. Perhaps for some of us our desire to be women or thought of as women is really a sexual temptation that needs to be shut down just like we would shut down temptation for pornography. This would sort of seem to go against my other post – Integration and Contentment. People are complicated. I’m not sure what to think. Perhaps some of us with autogynephilia have gender dysphoria on top of it and need to pursue what I’ve outlined in the Integration and Contentment Post for the dysphoria. Perhaps others of us with autogynephilia don’t have any true gender dysphoria but only sexual arousal at the idea of being feminine, being a woman, etc. that we sometimes confuse as being gender dysphoria when it isn’t. I used to think I had a lot of gender dysphoria rather than only a sexual addiction. But more and more I think my desires to feel feminine or to be a woman, were more like the man in this quotation. It was part of the arousal rather than real problems with my sex/gender.
Ray Blanchard says –
“The fusion of the longing to have a woman and the
longing to be a woman—the confounding of desire and
envy—which is often apparent in clinical interviews with
autogynephiles, is typified by this statement:
“At the very moment that most young males are first be-
coming aroused by the opposite sex, there are apparently
a few of us who are becoming aroused at [the idea of]
being the opposite sex. I remember this with a great deal
of clarity—I became aroused by those blossoming young
girls in their short skirts, wishing I was them. (Narrative
This goes back to my comment above. I think for many of us, myself included, we confused “wishing I was them” with thinking we had gender dysphoria and transgender wishes. But in reality, wishing I was them, could have been about the arousal of thinking about being them. It could have been both thinking about how it would be total bliss to be in a feminine aroused state at all times (by being them), but it could also have been that thinking about being them is arousing in itself. Dressing as a girl is arousing, but thinking about being a girl is also arousing. I’ve written about envy before – Crossdressing is about Envy. Perhaps the envy is different from what we may think. Maybe we don’t actually want to be girls or women, we only tell ourselves that we do. Or we may even believe it. But maybe it’s actually not about envying being a girl and the things they have, but envying what they have because for us those things are sexually arousing. Thinking about having their experiences is also sexually arousing. So we become envious of their clothes and their experiences, but not truly because we want them, but because for us thinking about having them is sexually arousing, and actually experiencing them would also be sexually arousing. In other words, we may envy the girls’ bike, not because inherently we somehow like the color pink better, but because we are aroused at the thought of having a pink bike as a girl.
In the same way, autogynephiles who have sex with men while crossdressed are probably not actually same-sex attracted for the most part. Humanity is complicated, so there may be some. But for most it is the idea of being a woman with a man that is arousing. It is not attraction to that man. It is sexual pleasure you experience by thinking of yourself in the most feminine and womanly way possible – a woman being with a man sexually. It is the ultimate experience of being a woman, to be desired by a man sexually, and to have the sexual experience with him. So again, the envy about a woman being with a man sexually might not be about actual desire for that man, but rather sexual arousal at the idea of having the experiences that women get to have. The act ends up being the same, a homosexual sex act, or sodomy. But the motivation behind it is quite different. On a lesser degree, it can be sexually arousing just to be crossdressed and have a man say nice things to you or open doors for you. Not that you are falling in love with that man, but he is treating you like a woman, and that is what brings the arousal.
Last, Blanchard says –
“Some autogynephiles conceptualize their rather compli-
cated erotic dynamics in language similar to that of
clinical observers whom I quote in the next section: “The
person I was looking for in a woman turned out to really
be me. I never found that person, except in myself”
(Narrative #11). “Real girls come and go, but my one
true and permanent girlfriend was myself in female role”
(Narrative #52). “Indeed, I do believe that, underneath it
all, the overpowering desire to be female is simply the
urge to procreate turned inside out” (Narrative #3)“
This has been talked about much on my website already. For example in my post – Becoming the Woman my Wife is Not and in the old but still great article – The Transvestic Career Path. Crossdressers often deny this reality, but for many of us it is exactly what we experience, and it’s hard to believe that others with autogynephilia are not the same. When we say that crossdressing is narcissistic, it is not intended to be a way to insult crossdressers. It is not a way to brand them as “bad people” or more messed up than other people (though I know some blogs and websites do actually say that). It just is the fact that crossdressing for sexual pleasure is by definition a self focused activity. You are getting pleasure alone, by yourself, by being attracted to your crossdressed self. As the crossdressing addiction grows, it consumes more and more of your time, and more of your focus goes on yourself. Of course, there remain some questions about crossdressers who also prefer to be sexually active with their wives while crossdressed or sexually active with other crossdressers. Obviously in such cases they are not completely self focused and alone.
All in all, this article reveals to me the complexity and brokenness of humanity. Our sexual desires are fallen, our gender identities are fallen. We are broken. Left to ourselves we would just be slaves to our passions and our depravity. You can see that in the quotations – crossdressers in love with themselves and mutilating their own bodies for sexual pleasure. But for the grace of God, there go I. But in Christ we can overcome these sexual passions. We don’t have to be enslaved to them. We can live free and full lives enjoying the goodness of Christ, enjoying victory over these passions, slowly putting them to death rather than continually feeding them so that they grow stronger. We can accept who we are as God made us to be, we can experience healing, and we look forward to the day when Jesus returns and our brokenness will be fully healed, and we will no longer have any struggle with identity, gender, or distorted sexual attractions. Thank you Lord Jesus.
Thank you, Ray.
Thank you posting this article and your comments. As I heal from my own crossdressing and Gender Dysphoria, it is so good for me to have to face reality- but very hard too- to hear and question how my arousal template affected my thinking throughout my sexual addiction. Just like yourself, I now wonder how much of my acting out was actual Gender Dysphoria and how much I was just attracted to myself as the woman I created in my mind. Not that you mention it in the article, but for me either way, I needed to medicate the hurts, wounds, and trauma in my life and escape completely from being the man God created me to be.
In your last paragraph that is filled with so much hope for me, I can’t help to think of God’s Words in Ephesians 4:22- my old self corrupted by deceitful desires; Galatians 5:24- I crucify my flesh with its passions and desires; and finally Romans 13:14- I don’t let myself think of ways to indulge my evil desires.
David, so great to hear from you after a long time. You might have missed my emails to you in your inbox. Have a look. It’s so good to hear from you and hear you are still fighting the good fight. God bless you , i found this healing story from autogynephilia.
Thank you! I’ll give it a read when I get some more time, but it looks like it could be helpful.
most AGPs are introverted, usually either have adhd or autism and are mentally vanurable ppl. Also narcassism plays a part, not the grandiose I wanna make everyone’s life hell type, but a very self centred inwardly facing narcasssism.
As you are aware because we don’t produce enough dopermine and our pre frontal cortex doesn’t work the same as neurotypical ppl, we tend to chase impulses, and obsess over things as a means to keep the dopermine flowing so we feel good.
This could be video games, or RC cars or whatever, and normal ppl do this too but we do it on an unhealthy level.
And the same thing goes with regards to s*x.
Now Autogynephilia starts long before puberty, it’s a fantasy like pretending to be a policeman or playing mums and dad’s, however our fantasy was wanting to be the other sex, and our mums or sisters wardrobes were full of clothes and shoes and things we could mess about with.
However most kids as they grew up didn’t live in this fantasy world, but we never escaped it, we preferred to live in delusion, it was safer, and fed our dopermine. Pair this with a sex drive once you hit puberty and you can see where this leads.
Once you get used to chasing these impulses then that’s it. You don’t know any different.
And as masturbation is a way we self regulate its really easy to see how we get attracted to ourselves as women.
And with other AGPs pushing a fake narrative online that were born In the wrong body, it won’t be long before you have confused yourself by watching all these tik toks, lesbian porn, and feminisation hypnosis.
Then comes the only fans and exposing yourself all over the Internet.
Now the cure.
It’s not easy.
You have to throw all the girl clothes away, stay away from porn, the trans narrative, and anything related to femboys or porn.
U need to stop masturbating for a while, as well as any alcohol or drugs.
You need to relise that you are selfish, and only care about yourself, and being validated by others because you want to fit in.
Also speak to the doctor about martazapine, that will help with the the obsessions, and calm the intrusive thoughts.
U need to learn to sit in silence, be bored. Sit for 2 hours with no phone, or any stimulation, bring your dopermine levels back to a baseline, so then even doing basic tasks like washing dishes feels good.
Over time the emotional swings will calm. Depression won’t be a thing and the whole wanting to be a woman will seem ridiculous to you.
Good luck.
Thank you for sharing your advice. As for drugs, have you taken martazapine yourself? I haven’t heard of it, but have heard of guys here in this community taking drugs before that they say helped with their addiction.
this is not my advice its from a old man who is now free from autogynephilia he said and done lot of research. Taking drugs decreases your libido and the desires to be a women and crossdress also decreases , i haven’t any drugs till now and almost 4 month free from autogynephilia the urges are weak now they come and disappear very fast as compared to old times and yes 10 day of no PMO.i will share latest updates:).
Does that man have a website or a write up of his story? Do you have a link to share?
he dont but i will ask him to share his story here.