About the Author
By Andrew – See Andrew’s Testimony
Can you imagine a website where prostitutes are prayed for and where pornography is not heralded as a first amendment right? Welcome to XXXchurch.com. I invite all who seek to be healed by God’s grace to investigate and support this very worthwhile ministry. I have had a lot of healing through it’s X3Watch which is both able to be downloaded as a free internet watch site and a premium paid site.
I went for many years thinking that I had no problem with porn because it wasn’t pictures that I sought, it was stories and fantasy regarding CD and other things. I have even authored those same stories and believe me when I say that they are as addicting to the mind as any pictures could ever be because the mind can be a veritable cesspool if we allow it. One of the best parts about this site is the fact that once I signed up for X3Watch I named a couple of brothers as accountability partners that would get my reports every 2 weeks or so. These guys would see all my interaction with the internet for that period of time and in that report it would grade the sites I went to so that they would know if I went anywhere I shouldn’t go. It was that kind of accountability I needed because I valued their friendship and did not want to disappoint them.
Churches would benefit greatly from this site as well because as we know, too many men have this addiction to porn and other impurities that we know they would like to remove from their lives but don’t know how to do it or worse, think that they can do it without help. So this site also has some valuable workshops available for a nominal fee that can help with this problem.
So here is the information on XXXChurch.com:
The organization launched in January 2002 when the founders, Mike Foster and Craig Gross, set up a booth inside the AVN Adult Entertainment Expo in Las Vegas to promote the website as an alternative to porn, and it continues to attend porn conventions worldwide. The group has given out thousands of Bibles with “Jesus Loves Porn Stars” on the cover at these conventions, a facet of their ministry which has been featured in American national media.
In 2005, the independent film Missionary Positions was released, which documented the origins of XXXchurch. The film was produced and directed by documentary film maker, Bill Day. The film documents Mike Foster’s departure from XXXchurch in 2004.
The organization has received support from prominent Christian pastors such as Bill Hybels, Craig Groeschel and Rick Warren.
Craig Gross is also a published author, having written Questions You Can’t Ask Your Mama About Sex, The Gutter, Dirty Little Secret, Pure Eyes, Eyes Of Integrity, Jesus Loves You This I Know, Starving Jesus, and Open. Craig Gross appeared on an episode of MTV’s True Life, in which he counseled a man addicted to porn.
Porn debates
The founder of XXXchurch.com, Craig Gross, regularly debates porn star Ron Jeremy in an event called “The Porn Debate” on college campuses across the United States. In 2008, the debate was featured on ABC News’ Nightline both on air and online, with the segment becoming the most watched in Nightline’s online viewing history.
X3watch software
XXXchurch.com produces accountability software (specialized Web-surfing monitoring software) called X3watch. The software maintains a log of questionable websites that a user accesses based on content type, and then sends a report to an “accountability partner” of the person’s choosing. Such software can be useful for individuals trying to avoid pornography use.
The software works on Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Android, and iOS mobile platforms . There is a free version which does only monitoring, and a Premium version which also does filtering.
Podcast and radio
In 2008, the organization launched a video podcast that documents the current campaigns of XXXchurch, which is released every two weeks on XXXchurch.tv and iTunes. It also has several radio public service announcements airing across the US and abroad on various radio stations and syndicated programs such as RadioU, Refuge Radio, Malone University Radio, The Full Armor of God Broadcast and Fuel Radio
Media appearances
XXXchurch.com has been featured in Time, Playboy, GQ, The Today Show, CNN, Good Morning America, the CBS Evening News, The View, Anderson Cooper 360, the Los Angeles Times, the New York Times and ABC News Nightline.
The organization’s “Porn and Pancakes” event was mentioned on the February 3, 2007 episode of Saturday Night Live during Weekend Update.
The organization was discussed in an episode of Penn & Teller: Bullshit relating to pornography and attempts to do away with it.
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