by Barnabas | Feb 8, 2023 | Crossdressing, Envy, Guest Posts, Identity, Origins of the Desires, Suffering, Testimonies |
Written by Steve: I’ve read through the contents of this website and it’s been extremely encouraging and informative. I very much identify with the recommendation of Buckners article on The Transvestite Career Path which was highly informative and rang so many...
by Barnabas | Apr 13, 2022 | Addiction, Crossdressing, Envy, Gender Stereotypes, Guest Posts, Identity, Testimonies, Transgender |
By Justin One of my most vivid memories as a pubescent boy struggling with gender dysphoria was being alone at night laying in my bed and being so upset with that fact that I had been born a boy. I wished so hard many nights that I would wake up and my life...
by Barnabas | Mar 12, 2019 | Addiction, Additional Resources, Autogynephilia, Crossdressing, Envy, Gender Stereotypes, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Identity, Marriage, Origins of the Desires, Psychologists, Sexual Pleasure, Transgender |
I would like to recommend the book, Transvestites and Transsexuals: Toward a Theory of Cross-Gender Behavior, written by Richard F. Docter, published in 1988. Before I talk about the book, let me give a warning. Don’t read this book without getting into a...
by Barnabas | Sep 12, 2018 | Bible, Biological Sex Differences, Biological Transgender Issues, Envy, Identity, My Personal Journey, Transgender |
Some of us feel ugly as men and we crave to be beautiful as women. Some of us despise our bodies and long to get rid of our male bodies and have female bodies. We want intimacy and love, good things, but we try to find them through crossdressing instead of in God. We...
by Barnabas | Jul 18, 2018 | Addiction, Additional Resources, Autogynephilia, Biological Sex Differences, Crossdressing, Cultural Ideologies and Trends, Embracing Manhood, Envy, Gender Dysphoria, Gender Stereotypes, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Identity, Marriage, Men's Fashion, My Personal Journey, Origins of the Desires, Practical Tips, Temptations, Transgender |
This post is different from my other posts. I have written from a more neutral vantage point rather than specifically out of a Christian worldview, in the hope that this post can help others who may not share my faith. In this post, I synthesize a lot of the things I...
by Barnabas | Jul 18, 2018 | Additional Resources, Bible, Crossdressing, Envy, Forgiveness, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Identity, Marriage, Origins of the Desires, Prayer, Suffering, Temptations |
Recently I listened to this free sermon online by Pastor Tim Keller. It was a powerful message for any Christian, but for me when thinking about crossdressing it was especially insightful. I highly recommend it – Spiritual Warfare by Tim Keller. If the links do...
by Barnabas | Jul 18, 2018 | Biological Transgender Issues, Cultural Ideologies and Trends, Envy, Identity, Transgender |
When I first wrote this article, I shared a blog post from the website “Third Way Trans,” which unfortunately no longer exists. The post was called “Dysphoria = Dissociation.” The author’s story was raw and painful, but very moving. He...
by Barnabas | Jul 12, 2018 | Accountability, Addiction, Additional Resources, Bible, Crossdressing, Dreams, Envy, Forgiveness, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Idolatry, My Personal Journey, Prayer, Temptations |
In this post I want to analyze the similarities between my struggle with crossdressing and the power of the one ring in The Lord of the Rings books. I am not writing this as a logical argument against crossdressing. I’m just writing out of my own experience of...
by Barnabas | Jul 12, 2018 | Crossdressing, Envy, Gender Stereotypes, Identity, Origins of the Desires |
I heard about a story a pastor told to his church congregation this year. He said to the congregation: “When I was a boy I told my mother that I wanted to be beautiful. I told her, ‘tell me I’m beautiful.’ She said to me, ‘We only say...
by Barnabas | Jul 11, 2018 | Addiction, Additional Resources, Bible, Crossdressing, Cultural Ideologies and Trends, Envy, Gender Roles, Gender Stereotypes, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Identity, Idolatry, Marriage, Origins of the Desires, Pornography, Sexual Intercourse, Sexual Pleasure, Transgender |
I was recently asked in a comment to explain my reasons why I believe crossdressing is sinful, or why it is harmful. It’s a good question. While my whole website is essentially about this with many articles, it is a bit overwhelming for someone to jump in and...
by Barnabas | Jun 13, 2018 | Crossdressing, Envy, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, My Personal Journey, Origins of the Desires, Sexual Pleasure, Temptations |
I believe that some of our desire to crossdress is due to natural curiosity. Perhaps we initially crossdressed the first time because of curiousity, but that event became a sexual experience at the same time, thus fusing the bond between ourselves and crossdressing...
by Barnabas | Jun 13, 2018 | Addiction, Crossdressing, Envy, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Homosexuality, Idolatry, Sexual Pleasure, Temptations, Transgender |
Crossdressing seems a lot like the rat race of trying to get rich. Those who are consumed with getting rich keep on trying and trying, but never are happy, and never are satisfied. They might even gain a lot of money but there is always one more person to compare...
by Barnabas | May 12, 2018 | Addiction, Crossdressing, Cultural Ideologies and Trends, Envy, Gender Roles, Gender Stereotypes, Homosexuality, Marriage, Masturbation, Sexual Intercourse |
I’m sure there are about 20 different links with information like this, but I used the one I found most quickly – here. It’s not my intention to attack this website. Not at all. I don’t know the person who made the site. I can tell that they...
by Barnabas | May 10, 2018 | Addiction, Additional Resources, Bible, Crossdressing, Dreams, Envy, Forgiveness, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Identity, Idolatry, Marriage, My Personal Journey, Origins of the Desires, Pornography, Sexual Pleasure, Transgender |
In this post, I am going to talk about how I think crossdressing can easily become idolatry, in the same way that money or other good or neutral things in life can easily become an idol. This is different from me saying that crossdressing is always necessarily...
by Barnabas | May 9, 2018 | Addiction, Additional Resources, Biological Transgender Issues, Crossdressing, Envy, Guest Posts, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Identity, Marriage, Origins of the Desires, Paraphilias, Sexual Pleasure, Temptations, Testimonies, Transgender |
About the Author By Don Don’s Testimony (anti-androgen medication) For most of my life I dreamed of being a girl. It started when I was 5 years old when my mother threatened me several times to put a dress on me when I was bothering my sister. The thought...
by Barnabas | May 5, 2018 | Bible, Biological Sex Differences, Crossdressing, Embracing Manhood, Envy, Gender Roles, Gender Stereotypes, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Men's Fashion, My Personal Journey, Origins of the Desires, Transgender |
Proverbs 14:30 – A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones. Pondering the nature of crossdressing desires over the years made me convinced that a significant component of crossdressing is envy or coveting. I think crossdressing is sinful...
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