by Barnabas | Mar 19, 2024 | Addiction, Additional Resources, Autogynephilia, Bible, Crossdressing, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Identity, My Personal Journey, Paraphilias, Pornography, Practical Tips, Sexual Pleasure, Sissy Hypnosis, Temptations |
The longer I have this website and try my best to care for and help other men, the more I realize the importance of making a distinction between a harmful sexual addiction and an unwanted sexual orientation. The two are very different things, and yet I would like to...
by Barnabas | Jan 10, 2023 | Biological Sex Differences, Crossdressing, Embracing Manhood, Gender Roles, Gender Stereotypes, Marriage, My Personal Journey, Practical Tips, Temptations |
I’ve written extensively already about how a large aspect of our crossdressing is really about lust and sexual pleasure. But there is an aspect of crossdressing that I think is less about lust and more about romance or companionship with the other, the opposite...
by Barnabas | Oct 7, 2020 | Accountability, Addiction, Crossdressing, Filters and Security, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Marriage, My Personal Journey, Practical Tips, Sexual Pleasure, Temptations |
Change is hard. What causes a crossdresser to make a decision to stop crossdressing? And for crossdressers who successfully stop and find happiness without crossdressing in their lives, what is it that helped them to change? What is it that allows people to overcome...
by Barnabas | Jun 19, 2020 | Accountability, Addiction, Additional Resources, Bible, Crossdressing, Filters and Security, Marriage, My Personal Journey, Practical Tips, Temptations |
I know the title of this article might seem a little like an oxymoron, but let me assure you from experience that it is not. If you have struggled with crossdressing addiction, like I have, getting yourself an internet filter for your computer will allow you to...
by Barnabas | May 15, 2020 | Additional Resources, Biological Sex Differences, Crossdressing, Embracing Manhood, Men's Fashion, My Personal Journey, Origins of the Desires, Practical Tips, Temptations |
This is strange blog post to write, but at this site we deal with the real issues that confront us, and this is one of them! Some of us have an added burden or difficulty besides the desire to crossdress. Some of us have man boobs, that is, breasts that are bigger...
by Barnabas | Dec 28, 2019 | Accountability, Addiction, Bible, Crossdressing, My Personal Journey, Practical Tips, Temptations |
Sometimes what causes us to fail is simply having a wrong attitude and mindset about the whole process of overcoming crossdressing addiction or sexual addictions of any kind. I have found myself dropping into a false mindset often. At times, I focus too much on the...
by Barnabas | May 3, 2019 | Autogynephilia, Biological Sex Differences, Crossdressing, Cultural Ideologies and Trends, Embracing Manhood, Gender Roles, Gender Stereotypes, Identity, Men's Fashion, My Personal Journey, Origins of the Desires, Transgender |
Autogynephilia is all about love of oneself as a woman. But what if you have chosen not to indulge your autogynephilia? You don’t want to transition. You don’t want to crossdress. You want to learn to be content as a man. You want to learn to love and...
by Barnabas | Sep 14, 2018 | Biological Sex Differences, Crossdressing, Embracing Manhood, Identity, Men's Fashion, My Personal Journey, Practical Tips |
I’ve been thinking about how God made me and what kind of man he made me to be. I think part of the healing that needs to take place in many of us, is that we need to be able to appreciate who God made us to be. We need to accept not only our gender, but our...
by Barnabas | Sep 14, 2018 | Crossdressing, Embracing Manhood, Gender Stereotypes, Marriage, Men's Fashion, My Personal Journey, Origins of the Desires, Practical Tips, Temptations |
I wanted to quickly mention several other practical things you can do to minimize crossdressing temptations in your life. They are all things that have helped me personally. 1. You and your wife could use separate closets – If you have a spare bedroom in your...
by Barnabas | Sep 12, 2018 | Addiction, Crossdressing, My Personal Journey, Temptations |
One of the temptations I have faced, and I’m sure many of you also deal with, is the desire to use photo editors and phone apps to change photos to make yourself look like a woman. Some apps these days are so advanced that all you need to do is upload a photo and it...
by Barnabas | Sep 12, 2018 | Bible, Biological Sex Differences, Biological Transgender Issues, Envy, Identity, My Personal Journey, Transgender |
Some of us feel ugly as men and we crave to be beautiful as women. Some of us despise our bodies and long to get rid of our male bodies and have female bodies. We want intimacy and love, good things, but we try to find them through crossdressing instead of in God. We...
by Barnabas | Sep 12, 2018 | Accountability, Addiction, Additional Resources, Bible, Crossdressing, Filters and Security, Forgiveness, Marriage, My Personal Journey, Pastoral Ministry, Pornography, Practical Tips, Prayer, Sexual Intercourse, Sissy Hypnosis, Temptations |
Many of us here are addicts – whether to crossdressing, trans porn, sissy hypnosis, or reading transgender fiction. Because of the nature of addiction, you cannot fight your addiction alone. You will need help. I’ve said this so many times on this website,...
by Barnabas | Sep 10, 2018 | Addiction, Bible, Crossdressing, Dealing with Failures, My Personal Journey, Prayer, Sexual Pleasure, Temptations |
Most people who come to this website wrongly jump to conclusions about me. Some people think that one day I decided to give up crossdressing and everything has been easy sailing since. And so they despair when they themselves are not able to give it up so easily. When...
by Barnabas | Sep 10, 2018 | Addiction, Bible, Crossdressing, My Personal Journey, Practical Tips, Temptations |
We can stand our ground, brace ourselves, learn self-control, and resist in the face of strong urges to crossdress. But that gets tiring. So many crossdressers that come to this site try quitting and they find that they can do so. But then they get weary and say,...
by Barnabas | Aug 15, 2018 | Accountability, Addiction, Bible, Crossdressing, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Marriage, My Personal Journey, Sexual Pleasure, Temptations |
I’ve been reminded recently that crossdressing, especially crossdressing for sexual pleasure, is one of the hardest things for other people to understand. And that makes us feel oh so alone. Even if we don’t crossdress anymore, we still experience some of...
by Barnabas | Aug 10, 2018 | Crossdressing, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Marriage, Masturbation, My Personal Journey, Practical Tips, Sexual Intercourse, Sexual Pleasure, Temptations, Transgender |
I’d like to share one tiny piece of advice about something you can do to help you in your healing from crossdressing. This is something that can help us realize how wrong and strange crossdressing is, and also will help you at the specific times that temptation...
by Barnabas | Aug 10, 2018 | Crossdressing, Guest Posts, My Personal Journey, Pastoral Ministry, Testimonies |
When I originally started this blog, it was very helpful to me, and I enjoyed it so much that it was getting in the way of my role of pastoring a church in real life. I was spending too much time on it. It energized me to work on this blog. I was finally getting my...
by Barnabas | Jul 18, 2018 | Addiction, Additional Resources, Autogynephilia, Biological Sex Differences, Crossdressing, Cultural Ideologies and Trends, Embracing Manhood, Envy, Gender Dysphoria, Gender Stereotypes, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Identity, Marriage, Men's Fashion, My Personal Journey, Origins of the Desires, Practical Tips, Temptations, Transgender |
This post is different from my other posts. I have written from a more neutral vantage point rather than specifically out of a Christian worldview, in the hope that this post can help others who may not share my faith. In this post, I synthesize a lot of the things I...
by Barnabas | Jul 18, 2018 | Bible, Crossdressing, Dealing with Failures, Forgiveness, My Personal Journey, Practical Tips, Prayer, Suffering, Temptations, Transgender |
I wanted to highlight the spiritual discipline of fasting as a practical tool to help you. It’s not something that everyone has to do, and it is not something that benefits everyone in the same way. But it has helped me in my recovery from crossdressing addiction and...
by Barnabas | Jul 18, 2018 | Additional Resources, Bible, Biological Sex Differences, Crossdressing, Gender Roles, Gender Stereotypes, Identity, Marriage, My Personal Journey |
One of the most helpful books I’ve read on the topic of what it means to be a man or woman is the book – “Biblical Foundations for Manhood and Womanhood.” I want to recommend it to all of you. If you click on the link you can read it for free. It’s by Wayne Grudem as...
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