by Barnabas | Sep 10, 2018 | Additional Resources, Biological Transgender Issues, Cultural Ideologies and Trends, Identity, Law and Policy, Psychologists, Transgender, Transgender Analogies (Race, Eating Disorders, BIID, Species) |
Analogies are never fail proof. They always break down at some point because by definition, they compare two things that are alike in some ways but also not alike in some ways. But they are still helpful, and in this case particularly powerful in my opinion. A lot of...
by Barnabas | Aug 14, 2018 | Addiction, Additional Resources, Biological Transgender Issues, Crossdressing, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Identity, Origins of the Desires, Psychologists, Sexual Intercourse, Sexual Pleasure, Temptations |
I read a book called – Divine Sex: A Compelling Vision for Christian Relationship in a Hypersexualized Age by Jonathan Grant – and I wanted to share with you some quotes and reflections related to crossdressing and hormones / neurotransmitters. In general,...
by Barnabas | Aug 12, 2018 | Additional Resources, Bible, Crossdressing, Cultural Ideologies and Trends, Homosexuality, Identity, Transgender |
In this article, Pastor Tim Keller reviews several of the popular arguments Christians have recently been using to affirm romantic same-sex relationships. Many have come up with new interpretations or ways of looking at Scripture and Keller addresses those new ideas....
by Barnabas | Aug 12, 2018 | Addiction, Additional Resources, Autogynephilia, Biological Sex Differences, Biological Transgender Issues, Crossdressing, Gender Stereotypes, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Homosexuality, Identity, Origins of the Desires, Paraphilias, Psychologists, Sexual Pleasure, Transgender, Transgender Fiction |
I recommend to you all the book, “The Man Who Would be Queen: The Science of Gender-Bending and Transsexualism,” by J. Michael Bailey. It is FREE to read online. I thought it was an excellent read and is definitely one of the more helpful books/articles...
by Barnabas | Aug 10, 2018 | Additional Resources, Autogynephilia, Biological Sex Differences, Biological Transgender Issues, Crossdressing, Cultural Ideologies and Trends, Embracing Manhood, Gender Stereotypes, Identity, Intersexual Conditions, Law and Policy, Psychologists, Testimonies, Transgender, Transgender Analogies (Race, Eating Disorders, BIID, Species) |
I recently finished reading the book, When Harry Became Sally, by Ryan Anderson of the Heritage Foundation. This is a really well written book that examines the “transgender moment” our country has been in. Though I’m not thrilled about the title to this...
by Barnabas | Jul 18, 2018 | Addiction, Additional Resources, Autogynephilia, Biological Sex Differences, Crossdressing, Cultural Ideologies and Trends, Embracing Manhood, Envy, Gender Dysphoria, Gender Stereotypes, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Identity, Marriage, Men's Fashion, My Personal Journey, Origins of the Desires, Practical Tips, Temptations, Transgender |
This post is different from my other posts. I have written from a more neutral vantage point rather than specifically out of a Christian worldview, in the hope that this post can help others who may not share my faith. In this post, I synthesize a lot of the things I...
by Barnabas | Jul 18, 2018 | Additional Resources, Biological Sex Differences, Cultural Ideologies and Trends, Gender Roles, Gender Stereotypes, Identity, Transgender |
Throughout the history of this blog, at times I’ve focused on what men and women have in common and ruthlessly attacked unhelpful gender stereotypes of our culture, and even pointed out how such stereotypes contribute to the problems of crossdressing and...
by Barnabas | Jul 18, 2018 | Accountability, Addiction, Additional Resources, Crossdressing, Forgiveness, Marriage, Practical Tips |
First, here is a good article for thinking about the role of your wife as you recover from a crossdressing addiction. What Every Wife of a Sex Addict Has a Right to Know About Her Husband’s Recovery. It can be difficult to know how much to tell her and how to...
by Barnabas | Jul 18, 2018 | Additional Resources, Bible, Biological Sex Differences, Crossdressing, Gender Roles, Gender Stereotypes, Identity, Marriage, My Personal Journey |
One of the most helpful books I’ve read on the topic of what it means to be a man or woman is the book – “Biblical Foundations for Manhood and Womanhood.” I want to recommend it to all of you. If you click on the link you can read it for free. It’s by Wayne Grudem as...
by Barnabas | Jul 18, 2018 | Addiction, Additional Resources, Crossdressing, Pornography, Temptations |
This short video/article by John Piper is a very helpful reality check in our battle with sexual sins – You Can Say No to Porn. We often feel out of control with our sexual desires. We feel that it is impossible to resist. We feel overwhelmed by the temptations....
by Barnabas | Jul 18, 2018 | Additional Resources, Bible, Biological Transgender Issues, Crossdressing, Cultural Ideologies and Trends, Forgiveness, Gender Stereotypes, Homosexuality, Identity, Origins of the Desires, Sexual Intercourse, Sexual Pleasure, Temptations, Transgender |
I’m going to quoting a lengthy section from a book by Tim Keller, called Preaching: Communicating Faith in an Age of Skepticism. He brilliantly picks apart the modern ideas of our culture, including the myth of “choosing to be yourself.” He begins by...
by Barnabas | Jul 18, 2018 | Additional Resources, Bible, Crossdressing, Envy, Forgiveness, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Identity, Marriage, Origins of the Desires, Prayer, Suffering, Temptations |
Recently I listened to this free sermon online by Pastor Tim Keller. It was a powerful message for any Christian, but for me when thinking about crossdressing it was especially insightful. I highly recommend it – Spiritual Warfare by Tim Keller. If the links do...
by Barnabas | Jul 18, 2018 | Additional Resources, Biological Transgender Issues, Crossdressing, Cultural Ideologies and Trends, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Identity, News Articles, Testimonies, Transgender |
I’ve been reading up about people who got medical surgeries to alter the way their bodies look to live as the opposite sex, who then later on, decided to stop taking the hormones and live as their original biological sex once again. These transsexuals, for...
by Barnabas | Jul 18, 2018 | Additional Resources, Crossdressing, Homosexuality, Identity, Suffering, Temptations, Testimonies, Transgender |
This is a very interesting video about homosexuality and the Church’s response to homosexuals. However, the points brought up have a lot to tell us about crossdressing. It is an interview by the Gospel Coalition of Rosaria Butterfield, who was not only a lesbian...
by Barnabas | Jul 18, 2018 | Additional Resources, Biological Transgender Issues, Cultural Ideologies and Trends, Gender Stereotypes, Identity, News Articles, Transgender |
Move over homosexuality. Transgender is the next big thing in the media. Over the last few years, we have all seen more and more and more articles in the news and in television shows about transgender issues, transgender people, and even run of the mill crossdressers....
by Barnabas | Jul 18, 2018 | Additional Resources, Crossdressing, My Personal Journey, Origins of the Desires, Pornography, Practical Tips, Prayer, Sexual Pleasure, Temptations |
Many people online have made the claim that I advocate suppressing your crossdressing desires. I do not actually make that claim. It is not healthy. We must acknowledge that those desires are there, and consciously choose not to act on them. If we just try to ignore...
by Barnabas | Jul 16, 2018 | Additional Resources, Bible, Crossdressing, Homosexuality, Marriage, Sexual Intercourse, Transgender |
I wanted to share an article here about homosexuality. It’s seems a bit off topic, but it’s not. Through this article, I want to make an important point about crossdressing and transsexualism. The article is called Not that kind of homosexuality by Kevin...
by Barnabas | Jul 16, 2018 | Addiction, Additional Resources, Biological Transgender Issues, Crossdressing, My Personal Journey, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Origins of the Desires, Psychologists |
By OCD, I am of course referring to Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. I’ve been looking at a number of websites and articles online that talk about a connection between OCD and crossdressing. It’s very interesting to me because 1. I have mild OCD (self...
by Barnabas | Jul 15, 2018 | Additional Resources, Biological Transgender Issues, Crossdressing, Cultural Ideologies and Trends, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Identity, Law and Policy, News Articles, Transgender, Transgender Analogies (Race, Eating Disorders, BIID, Species) |
There are many parallels between those with transgender feelings and those with “transabled” feelings. These are the feelings of people who desire to have a body part amputated to be able to feel themselves and feel at peace. Because of all the transgender...
by Barnabas | Jul 15, 2018 | Additional Resources, Crossdressing, Cultural Ideologies and Trends, Harmful Effects of Crossdressing, Law and Policy, Marriage, Suffering, Transgender |
This research study (pdf) is important to read – Suicide Attempts among Transgender and Gender Non-Conforming Adults. The study was not perfect nor were its research methodologies (as noted even in the report itself). But really, what study is perfect? This...
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